Sultana, songwriter, rapper, singer,producer, performer.
Born in Kayseri (Turkey), Sultana,then known as Songul Akturk, is the youngest of eight siblings. Sultanabegan questioning certain cultural attributes at an early age: as a child sheobjected when she was told she could not have a bicycle because girls were notsupposed to ride. After graduating from Hacettepe University, Ankara (Turkey),with a Fine Arts degree BA in Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Sultanaventured to the West, living first in Rome (Italy) and then in San Francisco(USA). Working in the field of architecture, she unleashed her creativity inwriting lyrics. This led her to move to New York (USA) whereher writing and singing led to the production of her debut album, Cerkez Kizi(Circassian Girl). The success of this album was due to the way that Sultanacombined her native traditions with the ways of the West. This was reflected inan artistic mix that gave a unique appeal to her music. Celebrated for challengingconvention and preconceived notions within Turkish society and described by theSunday Times (London) as a symbol of her city’s modern movement, Sultanacontinues her work in Istanbul (Turkey).
Single Albums
Biz Neysek -2015
Çerkez Kızı (Doublemoon Records)-2000
Şöhret Yolu (Pozitif Records) -2008
Selected works
MidEastWestFest 2001
Compilations and Collaborations
Burhan Öçal&JamaaladeenTacuma-Groove Alla Turca/Doublemoon Records-1999
East2west1-Global Departures Fromİstanbul/Doublemoon Records-2002
Istanbul-The Sex, The City, TheMusic/Petrol Reords-2002
Geosonic Grooves Vol I/NettwerkRecords-2003
Doublemoon Kadınları/DoublemoonRecords-2008
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