Buster Rogue
.." true intelligence does not require the need for laws, religions, territories, governments or the use of any type of monetary device...

..true compassion does not choose to exercise or engage in greed, self-centeredness, deceitfulness or any type of hatefulness "... .

..if we are indeed an authentic intelligent race of free thinking beings, then this simple truth would be the foundation of all that we do & all that we stand for.

...Only then will unification & harmony in all that we do, individually or as an entire civilization, will simply & naturally fall into place.



..Buster Rogue is an innocent and curious soul from another world who unintentionally came to our world when he accidentally went through one of the many 'passages' that exists seamlessly through out our entire universe. He brings with him an ancient and timeless knowledge, that supersedes all other forms of energies and entities, that was given to him by the infinite source of all existence before he was even born, an understanding that he has naturally known his entire recurring life that he anonymously labels,

" Common Sense "...


...what the hell is this (?)..

Progressive hard-rock/groove-n-grunge/some-metal/some-ambient/touch-of-rap/touch-of-r&b/psychedelically-laced/lots-of-in-your-face/dynamically-driven/blues-influenced/authentically-rebellious/with-timeless-contempt/jam-band sort of thing that stands with the 99% in the war against the big machine's 1% & wont take any bs from any self proclaimed master, government or religion. ...Expect Us!


☼ 2015 ☼ 'World Unreleased Rereleased'

After a 20 year expedition of venturing through life's unpredictable true nature and surprises, Buster Rogue finally releases a second cd, 'World Unreleased Rereleased'. This full length LP can be interpreted as the 'summary' of their 1995 self entitled debut EP, 'Buster Rogue - Buster Rogue', and, as another 'excerpt' from the world of 'Buster'.

As the last two decades unfolded, the message of Buster Rogue's music has seemingly manifested it's self into our current world as a reality. The advancement of our civilization's technology in all fields of science, philosophy and religion, has globally and exponentially surpassed our own true understanding of our real selves and our true place in this world as a free thinking race of individual intelligent beings. But this 'trend' of servitude to a master that we have allowed ourselves to be possessed by, has already been going on for thousands of years. Our 'world' has literally become a big machine of supply and demand lead by a beast that hides behind corporations and governments.

'World Unreleased Rereleased' brings a anonymous voice that calls upon everyone to listen to the truth that already lives with in us all and to become a truly free thinking individual in a race of truly intelligent beings, so that we may be truly free from any unnecessary servitude to any self proclaimed master. Your time, ...has now come.

Combining 5 re-vised, re-mixed and re-mastered 'key' songs from the 1995 EP with 8 later written unreleased songs leaves us with an album that will not only rock you hard and heavy, but, will also move your soul and intellect while revealing a truth that we all already know, but, for most has somehow either forsaken or forgotten.

This is authentic groove and grunge orientated rock music that comes straight from the heart and soul. It displays generations of anger, happiness, compassion, as well as timeless contempt, that will leave their message and melodies lingering and dancing in your head and questioning your conscience.

...Come and join in with us as we celebrate the experience of Buster Rogue's 'World Unreleased Rereleased'. ☼

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