Buddy Blaze started building and “hot-rodding” guitars in the Dallas-Ft.
Worth area of Texas in 1985. As a player, Buddy acquired many guitars and always found they needed something more... Having an extensive background in woodworking, machining and music, he set out to build his own guitar. After showing the first “Blaze” guitar to some local Texas players, he encountered a bidding war for his creation! Buddy Blaze guitar serial #BB001 sold in less than a week after building it! Buddy found an immediate demand for his instruments and pursued building guitars full time. Two of his earliest customers, Dave Watson and Steve Mandile, joined country music legend Lee Greenwood’s band and introduced Buddy to Nashville. In less than 6 months from making his first guitar, the Lee Greenwood Band was playing only Blaze guitars and basses and had appeared on the “Today Show” performing with these instruments!Soon after, Buddy met guitar legend Vivan Campbell and began making guitars for the new member of Whitesnake. The first guitar Buddy made for Vivian was Blaze “Shredder VC1”. The famous “blueburst” polka dot guitar was introduced to the world in the Whitesnake video “Here I Go Again” on MTV. Buddy continued to hand make every guitar Vivian played in Whitesnake (including the ones with the Kramer logo on them). Buddy joined Kramer in 1987 as a guitar designer and artist relations director. In that role he made guitars for many famous artists and developed the number 1 selling Kramer “NightSwan” with Vivian Campbell.
Buddy is also the creator of the legendary “Dean From Hell”. Buddy totally reinvented his previously maroon colored 1981 Dean ML, later giving it to his close friend “Dimebag” Darrell Abbott. Lightning struck twice in 2009 when Buddy collaborated with Dean Guitars to launch the Buddy Blaze Signature Dean ML!
Buddy and Joyce started Buddy Blaze Fine Stringed instruments in Kailua Kona, Hawaii in 2005. Their son Matt often helped dad make the newest Buddy Blaze creations. Their mission to deliver the finest professional grade guitars possible is being enjoyed by their customers, artists and dealers worldwide!
During 2009, Buddy also teamed up with world famous “Artist of the Sea” Wyland to create a series of guitars suitable for display in art galleries while carrying on Buddy’s tradition of making guitars that are designed to be played by the world’s greatest guitarists in any venue.
In 2010, Sugarland guitarist, Scott Patton teamed up with Buddy Blaze Fine Stringed Instruments to unveil his new signature model guitar, the GeneratorTM. Generator options include a custom designed graphic by renowned artist Stephen Jensen.
In early 2012, Buddy came full circle, re-locating his operation in the Dallas, Texas area. Vivian and Buddy celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the famous BlazeBurst Polka Dot Shredder by offering a limited edition run of 25 handmade in Texas Shredder VC-I guitars! In Early 2013, Buddy and Vivian introduced a 25th Anniversary version of Vivian's famous Lightning Storm Shredder/"NightSwan" . Again offering a limited edition run of 25 of these amazing guitars!
In October of 2013, Guitar Center added Buddy Blaze Guitars as an official vendor. Now you can visit your favorite Guitar Center and ask for Buddy Blaze Guitars!
Vivian Campbell of Def Leppard, Scott Patton of Sugarland, Eddie Ojeda of Twisted Sister, Terry Glaze of Lord Tracy/Pantera, L.T. Smooth (Grammy nominated, Hoku Award winning guitarist), Stig Mathisen Guitar Chair at Musicians Institute (M.I.), Rudy Parris / The Voice, Sam "Bam" Koltun,
Zakk and Sebastian Martinez of Hostile and many other great guitarists choose Buddy Blaze for great tone and playability!
Contact Buddy Blaze:
818 620 6445
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BuddyBlazeGuitarsOfficial?ref=stream
twitter: @BuddyBlaze1