Basically I am a songwriter or lyricist.
I write with a guitar and harmonica but I don't consider myself a musician...I collaborate with musicians. I happily found a guitarist who feels the same as I do about music and we have been playing together and working on this album for some years now. We have played a couple of concerts in Germany. But the main focus over the last few years was saving money for finishing the album. It will be a fantastic day when this album actually hits the world through the web. It will also be the day that the website goes on line and friends pull together to help me share my music with the world. To think about what the web can do for little musicians (or little anybodys) Is awe inspiring. I am thrilled with my album because it was made with so much love and hard-work. Thanks to everyone who pitched in to be a part of it. It was not a freebie thing but I had so much help...people definitely gave of themselves to make my little projection visible. Thank you to all who were a part of this.

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