Iam lock and loaded iam putting myself on iam hip to the b.s ,ive been triedd 4 the last time.
No more free passes into my cortex or into my circle ,if you aint putting in like you fit in 'then you can break wind or better yet sit and spin not madd at your hussle But just keep move n, My heart strings have evaporated, the last of the love I had was satchurated I should fired in the hole before I let yu take it , I thought we wher gonna make it (I gave in) When I should have hesitated(what was I thinking) why would I purposely blind myself that's like me purposely shooting my self ,green on the other side ( nah ahh) I should stay strong.played the role of fly guy (and let you fly) (right on bye) B'Y'E B,Y.E Reflect on time Wasted (why would I go there) I made it worst by chasng ,I should have left it alone, n'( kept it a love affair) so many memories so many I cant erases .I wish I could lose em ALL( similar like losing taste).Biten by my own snake, Ureal that I was in that place ,it all comes back when I see your face now I knw what shorty meant (my Badd) nothing ever heaven sent I should have lisen to my six sense and use more common sense how many mistakes must I make on my journey (many Money mi Say many many many) f I v e mistakes counting (I had no bisness making None of them) If I could rewrite my story (I would have did what itdu and slipped out on all of them) .st8 shot no chaser and then been ghost .I give it ta da niggahs duing the dam, ur my idoiles .use to be that guy se I guess( I just got lazy) or stupid BUT that was then and this now I slipped then not slippen now T2013 love ta love ya babies cant love ta love ya babies forgive babies its Not my fault you can blaime it on upstate5 crew 89 ta 11 m'screw crew to kookoo for coca puffs T2013 crew all day see ya when I see ya youll be all right

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