Belgarath is a project, that was born in spring 2003 after recording a few songs at home, using cheap equipment.
In 2007 Belgarath (guitars and vocals) and The Clansman (drums) decide to renew the project, recording songs in the facilities of Death Sentence (the death metal band that they are playing in at the time). They record the song "Mad and Alone". By 2009 they menage to create a concept for the band, thanks to a few rehearsals and lots of alchohol.

Negthron (bass) joins the band in summer 2009. The quantity of alchohol bottles increases, but the new songs increase as well.The band's first concert is in March 2010, in metal bar "Trash Zone". Karharoth (vocals) joins the band about half an year after the concert.The band's first concert, with the new vocal, is in metal bar "Trash zone"(again).Exactly one year after the first concert.

A little after that Karharoth,not agreeing with the direction the band is going, leaves. Belgarath and Negthron take up the vocals.

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