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Private Mix
Stream Mix
This mix contains all of the images and songs that have been posted to the stream.
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    La mezcla de nuestro nuevo single al cual hemos llamado “THE BETRAYAL”, ha sido terminada. Ha sido un proceso largo en el cual hemos explotado el tema al máximo, experimentando nuevas ideas y añadiendo nuevos matices a nuestro sonido. En estos momentos nos encontramos haciendo el Storyboard para este tema, el cual filmaremos este mes y lanzaremos en Abril. Gracias y los esperamos a todos el 27 de Abril en el Peru Death Fest!
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    Avoidant - Line Up 2013 "The Betrayal" New Single and Video Coming very soon! Add us on Facebook: [|]
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    Giomar carrasco (Guitar/Vocals)
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    Giancarlo Melgar (Vocals)
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    Daniel Y. Ibarcena (Drums)
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    Daniel Ibarcena (Lead Guitar)
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    Avoidant Promo 2013
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    Today our new EP called "INVOLUTION" will be released. A work we have done over the last two weeks. Time when we returned to get together to continue this band that means so much to us, and although these have been very strenuous days, the result makes it all was worth it. We have chosen to make this production completely "Do it yourself", without any producer or studio to do the recordings. This means that we have done everything with our own resources. Upon hearing the material you will notice that our sound has changed. This for us means a musical growth with which we think we're finding our identity as a band. We are excited and hope you enjoy it as much as we are.

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