Location: Hamburg, Germany
Members: Dave Laney, Florian Brandel, Manuel Wirtz
Year of Formation: 2007
Points in Need of Clarification:
Auxes was initially conceived as a solo-project with the sneaky underlying idea to quickly transform the “solo-project” into a “real” band; thus, the first LP is substantially different than those following it. Soon after the release of the first LP, and with the help of many varying musicians, the band began touring, writing new songs and generally doing the things that many bands do. In 2009, this eventually solidified into the current Hamburg-based lineup that is the current lineup. Chunks of 2009-2010 exhibited a schizophrenic phase of the band, as Ichkannnichtmehr was written as two separate band lineups – half in N. America and half in Germany – and therefore tours following the release of that album displayed both lineups (though naturally not at the same time). Following the release of Ichkannnichtmehr, the band solidified into a “band” on one common continent with 3 common members. Since that time, the band is now in Hamburg, where it lives, breathes, and, if it must some day, will eventually die.
Many Thanks To All Past Members:
Pete Wagner, Timothy Remis, Al Burian, Noah Leger, John Crouch, John Bowman, Tara Grayson, Ben Davis, Michael Triplett, Heather McIntyre, Adam Kisch
What’s up with the name “Auxes”? It’s impossible to pronounce in any language other than English!
Most hi-fi systems have buttons for various separate components: Tape, CD, Phono, Aux. Mixing boards also have a component called “Aux”. Naturally, the aux represents the “other” thing, the various thing, or the attachment thing. Following this logic, in the English language anyway, “auxes” would represent the pluralization of “aux”. In German it may be “auxen”, who knows. In any case, the original intent of the band was antagonistic to the traditional band structure. It was supposed to be a band with continuously changing members and no “set” membership. Of course this idea has been tried before in other formats, most notably materializing itself in the idea of “open relationships,” which, in my experience as both observer and participant, has a tendency towards self-combustion and mass confusion. So, as in many things, the idea has now changed but the name has remained.
Where is Auxes from? Are you touring as the American lineup or the EU lineup?
Auxes was born in Carrboro, North Carolina, moved to Chicago, Illinois, and now lives in Hamburg, Germany. For the answer to part 2, please see above.
Your first LP sounds like college-rock.
That is not a question and no it does not.
What other bands have you all played in?
Off the top of my head I can think of these (present and past members included): Milemarker, Challenger, Honigbomber, Airpeople, Guinea Pig, Eniac, Head of Skulls, Philippé, Dead Depression, Big Eater, Hellbender, Green Angel, Sweet Cobra, The Killing Tree, Electric Hawk, Taking Pictures, Hurl, Caltrop, Hazerai, Eagle Bravo, Kerbloki, Rights Reserved, Midnight Plus One, Happy Supply, Sleepytime Trio, Bats & Mice, Ben Davis & The Jets, Fin Fang Foom, Bellafea, Griver, Celebrant Commandoes, Baxter
Why don’t you have a “real” bio?
Because it feels incredibly strange to commission someone to write something overly-inflated about yourself comparing your music to an experience akin to eating a live fish that’s been sedated on a plate of ice, ready and willing for your megalomaniacal consumption. We do not have a front man who is going to charm you, we are not going to beg to open up for a band because we are suffering from delusions of grandeur. We only do what we can do, and we hope you can formulate your own opinions about these things.