
"Josie and the new Pussycats have a falling out...."

Riverdale spin-off series Katy Keene will see a character crossover in the next episode.

Katy Keene, which is set five years after the events of Riverdale and centres on the titular character who’s an aspiring fashion designer with a circle of ambitious friends, will see Riverdale character Kevin Keller (Casey Cott) appear in the show.

Series creator Michael Grassi shared the news on Twitter earlier this week (April 14), teasing fans with: “KEVIN KELLER ALERT. This week Hedwig (Wednesday 8p), next week look who catches a bus to NYC (Thursday 8p). It’s a #KatyKeene x #Riverdale crossover dream come true @TheCW.”

Keller is friends with Josie McCoy (Ashleigh Murray) – of the fictional band Josie And The Pussycats – who is originally from Riverdale but is also a character in Katy Keene. Both series are adapted from Archie comic books.

According to an official synopsis [via Digital Spy]: “Josie and the new Pussycats have a falling out, leaving Josie’s close friend Kevin Keller to remind her that she doesn’t need to be that person anymore.”

Elsewhere in the episode, as Digital Spy note, Keene tries to get to the bottom of an allegation made against Gloria Grandbilt but may have unearthed something about her mother instead.

The rest of the synopsis reads: “Jorge offers Bernardo an interesting relationship proposition in order not to lose him, but it does not go as he hoped”, and “Pepper’s past is starting to catch up with her and it could jeopardise more than just the Pepper Plant”.

Riverdale and Katy Keene are broadcast on The CW in the US. UK viewers can stream Riverdale via Netflix.

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