
The horror sequel is out in September


A cinema chain has announced plans to host a clowns-only screening of It: Chapter 2 at 17 cinema locations in the US.

The sequel, which furthers the story from Stephen King’ original It novel, arrives in cinemas on September 6.

The Texas-based Alamo Drafthouse chain says anyone is welcome as long as they’re “dressed like a clown”.

The company previously did the same thing in two locations for the first It movie. The locations for the current clown-only screenings range from Los Angeles to Twin Cities, Minnesota, and two Texas locations. Find a full list of locations here.

A listing on AMC Theatres’ website recently stated that the runtime for the upcoming sequel will sit at two hours and 45 minutes, which almost rivals that of Marvel‘s Avengers: Endgame, which clocked in at three hours and two minutes.

Director Andy Muschietti said of the extensive runtime: “Nobody who’s seen the movie has had any complaint.” He then revealed that the movie’s original edit spanned four hours.

“At the beginning, when you’re writing and building the beats of the story, everything that you put in there seems very essential to the story,” Muschietti explained. “However, when you have the movie finally edited and it’s four hours long, you realise that some of the events and some of the beats can be easily lifted but the essence of the story remains intact.” 

Meanwhile, a new immersive experience based on the forthcoming It: Chapter 2 is coming to London later this month.

The Vaults Experience is at the Vaults complex under Waterloo Station, and will happen in advance of the film’s release.

The post A clowns-only screening of 'It: Chapter 2' is on the way appeared first on NME.

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