


Marvel has finally unveiled the long list of movies set to feature in its Phase Four rollout.

Announced during the studio’s Comic-Con Hall H presentation last night (July 20), Marvel boss Kevin Feige revealed what fans can expect next following Avengers: Endgame and the end of Phase Three.

The first movie to be released will be Black Widow. Starring Scarlett Johansson, David Harbour, Florence Pugh, O-T Fagbenle and Rachel Weisz, it is due for release on May 1, 2020.

November 6, 2020 will see the release of The Eternals. Starring Richard Madden, Angelina Jolie, Kumail Nanjiani, Lauren Ridloff, Lia McHugh and Don Lee, it will also feature Salma Hayek and Atlanta‘s Brian Tyree Henry.

Following that, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings will be released on February 12, 2021. It will star Simu Liu as Shang-Chi, Tony Leung cast as the Mandarin and also Awkwafina in an unconfirmed role.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness will arrive May 7, 2021. Reprising his role as Dr. Stephen Strange, Benedict Cumberbatch will be joined by Elizabeth Olsen’s Scarlet Witch. The studio promises this to be the MCU’s first “scary” movie.

A fourth Thor movie is also on the way. Starring Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson, Thor: Love and Thunder is slated for release on November 5, 2011. It will also see Natalie Portman make a return. Director Taika Waititi announced that Portman’s Jane Foster will get to adapt a version of Lady Thor recently seen in Marvel comics.

Aside from Feige also confirming that Black Panther 2, Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Fantastic Four, Captain Marvel 2 and Mutants (aka X-Men) will all be released during Phase Four, he also surprised fans with the announcement that a new Blade movie was on the way, starring Oscar winner Mahershala Ali.

The Phase Four slate will also feature a series of Disney+ TV shows. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier arrives in Fall 2020, WandaVision in Spring 2021, Loki in Spring 2021, and Hawkeye in Fall 2021.

Each show will take place after Avengers: Endgame, with Loki beginning after he stole the Tesseract in Endgame and escaped from the Avengers.

Marvel also confirmed their first-ever animated series What If…?, with the MCU cast returning to voice their roles and Jeffrey Wright playing The Watcher. It lands on Disney+ in Summer 2021.


Meanwhile, Marvel boss Kevin Feige has confirmed that he held discussions with Keanu Reeves about a potential role in the MCU.

The Matrix star has enjoyed a late career return to action movies with the John Wick franchise, so it’s understandable that Marvel want to secure his talents.

The post Marvel unveils jam-packed Phase Four slate of movies, including 'Thor', 'Black Widow' and 'Eternals' appeared first on NME.

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