
Last year was an unquestionably great year for gamers,

with a wide variety of titles that pushed the medium forward and were just downright fun to play.

Thankfully, there’s plenty of good stuff on the horizon, too. Whether you’re on a PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch or a smartphone, there’s something to look forward to over the next few months.

Here’s a look at the video games we can’t wait to play in 2019, from more serious fare like Anthem and Last of Us Part II to the supremely silly seeming Untitled Goose Game.

Anthem (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC; Feb. 22)

Set on an alien world abandoned by its god-like creators, Anthem puts you in the shoes (or exosuit) of an armor-clad Freelancer, encouraging you to band together with your real-world friends as you explore the planet and keep the forces threatening humanity’s continued existence at bay. When you’re not protecting your species, you can spend time customizing your armor, unlocking new skills, and flying around like your second-favorite billionaire superhero. — Patrick Lucas Austin

The Division 2 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC; Mar. 15)

The first Division game was utterly captivating for the first fifteen hours or so — walking around the hyper-realistic streets of a dystopian, Snake Plissken-esque New York City was intense to say the least — but it lost me in the predictable firefights and convoluted multiplayer. Here’s hoping the follow-up takes the impressive concept and delivers a better overall experience. — Alex Fitzpatrick

Doom Eternal (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC; 2019)

2016’s Doom was mindless machine-gun-spraying, demon-blasting gaming at its very best. And at a time when games are (rightfully) exploring all manner of heady concepts, it’s good to also have titles that let us sit back, grab a massive gun and kick some satanic ass. Given how much fun Doom was, I can’t wait to see the follow-up. — Alex Fitzpatrick

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite (iOS, Android; 2019)

Remember when everyone was obsessed with Pokémon Go? Well, developer Niantic has wisely teamed up with J.K. Rowling to create a Harry Potter version of that mobile game. Expect millions of millennials, high on Potter nostalgia thanks to Cursed Child and the Fantastic Beasts movies, wandering around their neighborhoods looking for Snitches and Portkeys on their phones — objects that mere Muggles would never be able to spot. — Eliana Dockterman

In the Valley of Gods (PC, Mac; Expected 2019)

Campo Santo pushed the boundaries of the narrative format with its first game, Firewatch, which focused more on the delicate relationship between the two central characters rather than action. The developer appears to be taking a similar approach with In the Valley of the Gods, a gorgeous-looking PC game set in 1920s Egypt. Players take on the role of explorer Zora as she and her partner investigate an ancient tomb. — Eliana Dockterman

Last of Us Part 2 (PlayStation 4; Expected 2019)

Plenty of zombie apocalypse games had come before, but none quite as heart-wrenching or thought-provoking as Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us. The cinematic story, centered on an older man and an openly gay girl, forced the player to make controversial, even deplorable, decisions. If the sequel, starring a grown-up version of protagonist Ellie, is half engrossing as the first, it will be the biggest game of the year. — Eliana Dockterman

Sable (Xbox One, PC, Mac; 2019)

In Sable, you’re simply a young girl with a hoverbike setting out on a rite of passage while trying not to die. As you explore the vast desert world, you’ll both gaze upon and discover ancient ruins, travel through remnants of colossal beasts, and find clues pointing to life beyond the confines of your own planet. Open-world games are nothing new, but Sable forgoes the drab, dull aesthetic permeating other games for a more vibrant, comic-inspired art style. — Patrick Lucas Austin

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC; 2019)

I’m a sucker for any game with Star Wars in the title, so I’ll be giving this a shot regardless of pretty much anything. But the fact that it’s coming to us from the same studio that brought us the superlative Titanfall 2 is reason enough for anyone to be excited about it. That it takes place in the woefully under-explored time period between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope is an added bonus. — Alex Fitzpatrick

Untitled Goose Game (Nintendo Switch, PC, Mac; March 2019)

Ever wanted to terrorize your neighborhood’s mild-mannered inhabitants by being a pain in the tail feather? In Untitled Goose Game, you can use your power as an obnoxious, honking waterfowl to solve puzzles and complete challenges involving theft, deception, and some of the most domestic mayhem ever executed by a cel-shaded bird. — Patrick Lucas Austin

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