
History was made yet again in the pageant world over the weekend.

On Saturday, Toni-Ann Singh from St. Thomas, Jamaica was crowned Miss World 2019 in London — becoming the fifth black woman to currently hold a top pageant queen title.

The accomplishment marks the first time in pageant world history that all five major titles — Miss America, Miss USA, Miss Teen USA, Miss Universe, and now Miss World — have been held by black women.

It also comes just one week after Zozibini Tunzi made history when she was crowned Miss Universe, joining Miss America Nia Franklin, Miss USA Cheslie Kryst, and Miss Teen USA Kaliegh Garris.

Miss World Toni-Ann Singh; Miss Teen USA Kaliegh Garris; Miss America Nia Franklin; Miss USA Cheslie Kryst; and Miss Universe Zozibini Tunzi

RELATED: Current Miss Universe, Miss USA, Miss America, Miss Teen USA Are All Black Women

Shortly after being crowned, Singh — a 23-year-old aspiring doctor — opened up about the moment on Instagram and emphasized how her Miss World win would hopefully impact little girls around the world.

“My Jamaica, sweet Jamaica🇯🇲we did it! Wah we seh? LIKKLE BUT WE TALLAWAH. My heart is filled with love and gratitude,” she wrote beside a photo of herself with a crown and Miss World sash. “Thank you so much for believing in me. You pushed me to believe in myself. I am not only honored but humbled to be the 69th Miss World.”

“To that little girl in St. Thomas, Jamaica and all the girls around the world – please believe in yourself,” Singh continued. “Please know that you are worthy and capable of achieving your dreams. This crown is not mine but yours. It’s for you to truly understand that no matter where you’re from and the cards you’re dealt in life – your dreams are valid. You have a PURPOSE.”

Finishing, Singh vowed to represent the Miss World title to the best of her ability. “To the @missworld franchise – I am willing and ready to do the work; to officially be the face that represents the core of Miss World – Beauty with a Purpose,” she wrote.

Toni-Ann Singh

RELATED: Current Miss Universe, Miss USA, and Miss Teen USA Reflect on a Time ‘We Literally Could Not Win’

Singh’s history-making moment was met by praise from tons of people on social media, including Sen. Kamala Harris, who congratulated the five women on Twitter.

“Showing the nation and the world what we’re capable of. This isn’t just magic: their commitment and dedication exemplifies Black excellence,” Harris tweeted.

It was also a hot topic on Twitter after Miss Nigeria Nyekachi Douglas went viral for her genuine reaction to Singh’s win.

In a sweet moment, which was captured by a Twitter user and retweeted on Douglas’ account, Miss Nigeria began screaming and jumping up and down in excitement right after her friend was announced as the new Miss World.

Despite losing the crown, Douglas couldn’t help but beam with pride for Singh, who stood on stage stunned and clearly emotional.

It has not been lost on the pageant queens just how special their accomplishment are, as three of the then-history-making four recently discussed their crownings on Good Morning America.

“It’s such a great move forward as the world and as a society to say, ‘Look, women who were in the past [who] never had opportunities to do things like this are now here,'” Tunzi, 26, said on GMA alongside Kryst and Garris.

“[I’ve had] mothers who say, ‘My 4-year-old daughter was so excited to see you on stage and she kept on screaming, You look like me! She looks like me!‘ ” she added.

“People will comment on our social media and be like, ‘Why are we talking about your race? You guys are just four amazing women,'” Kryst, 28, pointed out. “And I’m like, ‘Yes, we are four amazing women, but there was a time when we literally could not win!'”

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