
It's here!

The trailer for Avengers: Infinity War is finally here and offers Marvel fans their first look at what’s to come in the third Avengers movie.

Set to hit theaters on May 4, 2018, the coming installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will pit our band of heroes — including Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man and the Guardians of the Galaxy — against supervillain Thanos with the fate of the universe at stake.

Leading up to the trailer’s release on Wednesday, Marvel took to Twitter to drop a teaser video as well as a poster for the film that had been accidentally shared on Instagram Live by Tom Holland — who plays your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man — on Tuesday.

Highlights of the two-and-a-half-minute preview include Thanos (Josh Brolin) arriving to wreck havoc, Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Wong (Benedict Wong) teaming up with Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) and Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) and a massive, all-out battle involving all of your favorite Marvel superheroes.

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