
The post-hardcore band is back (hopefully) for good with original singer Anthony Green.

There’s a certain magic that captivates an audience whenever Saosin takes the stage. With Anthony Green’s gritty vocals and magnetizing gaze commanding everyone’s attention, we find ourselves both spellbound and feeling sentimental for 2003’s debut album, Translating the Name, while grateful for Green’s return to the band with 2016’s Along the Shadow.

Myspace met up with Green, drummer Alex Rodriguez and rhythm guitarist/backing vocalist Beau Burchell before they performed for the eagerly awaiting masses at Taste of Chaos htis summer to muse over the past, how they’ve changed, and their favorite guilty pleasures.

Given that this Taste of Chaos lineup would've been just as big a decade ago, how have you changed as both an individual and as a musician over the the past ten years?

Alex Rodriguez: I think by playing with these guys it makes be a better musician. It makes me more crafted at what I do. I’m really influenced by what they do, and over the years I’ve matured with certain things and elaborate more with certain parts of my playing. I just feel very fortunate to be playing with these guys.

Anthony Green: It’s a natural thing. I’ve changed in the same way that everyone does. I’ve matured. I’m more relaxed now. Experience will mold you. I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to grow and play music with some of my closest friends and the best musicians, which makes me better and expands my horizon. I’m seeing what possibilities have been laid out for me creatively and people have helped open those doors.

Beau Burchell: I’ve recently gotten much better as a guitar player. We have Phil [Sgrosso] from As I Lay Dying and Wovenwar playing guitar with us now, and he’s the most incredible. He’s so good at guitar. Ever since he came onboard he’s been really inspiring for all of us. We all just play so much better now. I don’t know if anyone outside of the band can notice it — hopefully they can — but it feels awesome now. After taking a lot of time off, you’re able to come back with some perspective and not be so entitled about things. I don’t party as much, so I remember the shows now, which is cool.

Alex Rodriguez

With everything that you’ve experienced in your career, what advice would you go back and give yourself when you were just starting out?

AR: Don’t be a musician.
AG: Be a fucking DJ!
AR: (laughing) No, but I love playing music and stuff like this. I’d tell myself to stay humble and love what you do.

AG: I’d tell myself to chill out and not be so worried about everything.

BB: That’s like a whole book. Probably just "chill out."

Anthony Green

Which artist(s) have you been most excited to watch grow and progress alongside you over the past decade?

AR: They’re all such great bands. Probably Taking Back Sunday because we’ve been touring with those guys since 2002. Just seeing their progression from their first record to now has been an amazing process for them. The fact that they have credibility and longevity — they’ve been doing this for like 15 or 16 years. When you’ve been doing this for that long and you’re still successful and still making a living off of what you do, that’s amazing.

AG: The Anniversary — they’re a band I never got to see much. I’m excited to see so many bands today. I’m excited for Quicksand, The Get Up Kids and Reggie [and The Full Effect]. We’ve seen Taking Back Sunday everyday, and I still want to see them play. I’m just a huge fan of that band and some of those songs really touched me at times when, you know, you’re just really vulnerable and music can touch you and make a huge impact. That’s always stuck with me, and I’m so excited to see them.

BB: One thing we talked about this last week was how all of us — The Early November, us, Taking Back Sunday, Dashboard [Confessional] — who have been on this Taste of Chaos tour are coming back and about how this is the easiest thing ever because we’re all just enjoying it. It’s not like when you first start out and see one band make it and you get mad at them because you feel like they took your opportunity. You’re happy for them. So now we’re all just happy, and we’re happy to be here and that people care and still connect with the music in the same way we do.
(AG: We’re all just happy to still have a job.)

Beau Burchell

What’s your favorite guilty pleasure?

AR: Twenty One Pilots. I hate that I like so many of their songs. I really do. They’re so damn catchy! I’m a huge sports fan, too.
(BB: He’s a total jock.)

AG: I don’t associate those things together. I get full pleasure out of the things that I enjoy without any guilt.

BB: Everyone else in the world it seems has been watching Game of Thrones. I’ve never watched it before. I watched the last three episodes on this tour, and now I’m hooked. I’ve been binge watching it for the last two or three days. I’m currently on season 2 episode 6 and pretty psyched. Every time I watch it I’m like “When’s this dude getting his hand chopped off?” or “When is this thing going to happen?" "When does that guy die?” So that’s actually our intro music on stage now.

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