
The rising country star chats with us about her latest single and the consequential buzz.

Olivia Lane is one of the fastest rising performers on the country scene these days. She’s buzzing as a new artist to watch and is currently watching as her latest single “Make My Own Sunshine” climbs the singles charts. We sat down with the Houston-based newcomer to get to know her a little better.

First of all, simply – who is Olivia Lane?

Olivia Lane is a 24-year-old positive outlook on life enthusiast millennial trying to find her way through life – while writing about it. [Laughs]

Let’s talk about the new single. You said this one sums you up well.

“Make My Own Sunshine” is probably the song that is the most representative of who I am. If someone were to hear that, they would totally get the essence of who Olivia Lane is. I came in to write that day and wanted to write something that was my anthem. I wanted to write something that was who I am, and totally upbeat and fun, and also something to remind people that we have the power to change the way our day is going. You can spill coffee on yourself, and hit every red light, but it’s up to you to put a smile on your face, and that’s how I try to live every single day. I try to look for the silver lining in every crazy situation.

With that said, what exactly is Your Sunshine?

My sunshine is not taking myself too seriously and finding any time that I can laugh. I think of frowning, and I start laughing. It’s so weird. I take my work seriously, but not me. If I’m feeling down, then I try to go do something to make myself happy—whether that’s go for a hike, a run, cook something, or make myself feel the best that I can be.

You recently participated in the Country Radio Seminar in Nashville. With over 2,000 programmers in town for that event, how vital is it for an artist in their career?

It’s so important. Radio is the gatekeeper of all music, and they basically decide if it’s good enough or not and whether you’re in the future of country music. Getting them to know your name—that’s essentially what the plan was. People received the new music really well. It’s important to be there, and for radio to know that you’re in it for the long run.

You are one of many artists from the Lone Star state. What is it about Texas that sets it apart?

Texas is such a great state. When you’re born there, it’s almost as if you’re inserted with a little chip that says “Live. Die. Texan.” I had such a lovely childhood and such a wonderful upbringing. My parents have been Texans their whole life, and it’s a fun culture to be a part of—to feel like you belong somewhere. Nothing beats a Texas sunset, by the way.

And, from there it was onto the University of Southern California!

I chose USC because they have a great Pop music program, and one of the branches of it was songwriting. I took songwriting my freshman year while I was also doing theatre. I was always very artistic and college was where I really figured it out. I took songwriting and everything just clicked. I was so happy to be in California. I loved it. I met so many people, so many artists. I feel like I flourished in the class, and it gave me the confidence to go to Nashville. USC was a good time. I loved being surrounded by the artist community from film to theater, as well as Opera and Pop. It was such an artist haven to be surrounded by.

What does it mean to you to look at a CD of yours and know that it’s out there for the fans?

It’s the best feeling in the world. I put my heart and my soul into these projects. When I get a Tweet or a message that someone likes one of the songs, that’s freaking cool. The fact that I wrote a song and someone is connecting to it that much to Tweet out “This is my life,” that’s the coolest feeling in the world. I’m only in this business because I love people and I love connecting with them. Art brings people together. That’s awesome.

I understand that music has been your passion—and your escape—since you were a young girl.

I would get in trouble and my parents would say, “Go to your room,” and I would say, “Fine.” So, I did, and listened to all the music that I could. That’s where I discovered music. My mother would have to knock on the door and remind me that it was time to eat. You need to stop listening so much. But, when I came home from school or theatre practice, I would literally lock myself in my room. It was just my happy place.

And, most people were encouraging you—except that teacher you drove crazy by singing Frank Sinatra’s “I’ve Got The World On A String” every day in class!

I hope that I see her soon. I hope my artist path will allow me to cross paths with my fourth grade teacher. So many negative things prospered into such positive things looking back. I remember taking cursive, and I was practicing my logo—with a big O and a big L—and she looked at it and said, “That’s sloppy. That’s never going to work in this world.” I remember coming back after recess, and all the kids were wired, and her attempt to calm us down was to play a Frank Sinatra record. No fourth grader wanted to hear that, we wanted to hear Britney or N’SYNC. But, then you had me. I wouldn’t shut up singing the song, which I probably already had memorized. She told me I needed to stop, and I asked her why she was doing that in the first place. After all, music made me more excited than even recess. She really didn’t like me. I haven’t seen her, but I don’t even know if she would remember me.

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