Before he scored a No. 1 R&B album, he was being told he wasn't "black enough."
Yours Truly premiered a 2008 interview with Miguel—the first ever, turns out. The aspiring R&B singer lists the excuses that his label at the time, Black Ice Records, gave him for not releasing his debut album: "My material wasn't good enough to them. Or, I wasn't black enough. Or, they'd be like, 'You have to change your name.' Or, 'You have to change your music.'" He also tours his native San Pedro in Los Angeles, though noting that very few people make it out. It's an illuminating look into the obstacles he had to overcome, before he would stun Kelly Clarkson at the 2013 Grammys and score a No. 1 R&B album this year WILDHEART. Watch below.