
This film is their third with director David O. Russell.

David O. Russell brings back Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper and Robert DeNiro for his latest film: Joy.

Lawrence stars as Joy Mangano, the single mom of three who invented the self-wringng Miracle Mop to eventually become a millionaire. The teaser trailer mostly focuses on her life before she would regularly appear on Home Shopping Network—her childhood, marriage and trial-and-error process behind her invention. Such struggles somehow result in her getting arrested in one scene, then firing a revolver in the other.

Cooper plays an HSN executive, while DeNiro plays Mangano's father.

Joy is Russell's third film to feature these actors, after Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle. He told IndieWire last year that this will be unlike any film he's done before, though he didn't get into specifics.

"If you go inside someone, it's another story. If you go inside her and the people around her, and if you go into a different key of storytelling that feels ... It's a departure," he says. "It's taking risks that we haven't taken before. This is going to be a very intense emotional and existential look at a woman's heart and soul as she becomes powerful."

Watch the Joy teaser trailer below.

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