Debut 'You Can Have All The Wonders' uplifts spirits with electropop beats.
Electronic duo From Kid created a refreshing twist on the chillwave genre with their debut You Can Have All The Wonders a month ago. Created in an old farmhouse in Switzerland, Andrin Berchtold and Gian Reto Camenisch’s first album is unabashedly electropop with a European sensibility, juxtaposing warm, playful melodies with atmospheric synths. The idea was to create pop music that drew on “the contrast between an urban world and a rich nature,” the pair said. As its title connotes, You Can Have All The Wonders is a set for optimists; a soundtrack that delivers a positive mental attitude through song.
Hometown: Chur, Switzerland. It’s a rather small and calm city surrounded by the alps.
Current residence: Switzerland. We both live in the same house. It's an old but lovely farmhouse which we share with six other friends. In winter it's cold, in summer we have a huge garden to use.
Where did your name "From Kid" come from?
From Kid describes the way our songs come to life. That means that we make our songs without any plans as to how they should sound. The song itself always decides the way in which it's going to be arranged.
How did you become From Kid?
We've known each other for four years. First we became friends, then we started to create our music together — and the result is what is now From Kid.
Did you ever play other instruments before producing EDM?
We play quite a lot of different instruments but none of them really professionally. It's more like having fun trying out special instruments.
What's your favorite place in the world to perform in?
There is no special city we want to play in—we love to play in many different cities and venues. We have a real love for being on the road!
Name three huge influences on your music.
Sophie Hunger, Fink and Boy.
When did you realize making music was what you wanted to do with your life?
It was not a special moment we had. It was more like something that had always been inside us. It's like a natural flow.