
Pop singer embraces self-expression in 4-song EP, 'Like We're Famous'

Pop artist Alexx Mack released her debut EP, Like We're Famous, last October—a 4-song collection that showcases her powerhouse vocals in a genre-mashup of alt-electro-dance-pop. But having been compared to everyone from Katy Perry to Madonna to Charli XCX to Ke$ha, Alexx is charting her own way with her flirty, spontaneous sound that’s perfect for pre-gaming any party.

“Most of the inspiration for this EP came from my personal experiences as a young adult in a city where expectations are high and where everyone is trying to fit in,” said Alexx. “The songs are fun, playful and upbeat, and in my opinion, a true representation of what it feels to be 100 percent comfortable with your sense of self.”

Alexx talks to Myspace about getting her start writing songs about puppies and 3rd-grade crushes, how the All American Rejects inspired her songwriting and how she ended up in LA.  

Hometown: My hometown is in southern Florida and it’s called Jupiter. It's the closest thing to paradise I've ever seen.

Homebase: I currently live in West Hollywood. It's so much fun!

Why do you call yourself Alexx Mack?

Well, my name is Alexx. But Alexx Mack is my alter ego—a sexy, confident, and fun personality who encourages self-expression and being yourself.

How do you describe your music to people who haven't heard it before?

Fun, flirty, smart pop.

You started writing songs as a seven-year-old. Do you remember what the first song you ever wrote was about?

I remember my first song was about puppies, and my second song was about my 3rd grade crush.

Your parents encouraged you to pursue music because they saw your talent shine early, but did you have a eureka moment when you knew you wanted to be a singer and performer?

Honestly, there was no one specific moment. My passion for writing and music continued to evolve over time. Everything I did revolved around music. I don't remember a time in my life when I didn't know this is exactly what I wanted.

How did you end up in Los Angeles?

I ended up in LA because of an audition for a musical. It was the best decision I ever made.

Did growing up in Georgia and Florida influence your songwriting style?

It influenced my songwriting because the first people I ever collaborated with, have come from there.

Who are your musical heroes and why do they inspire you?

Oh man, there's so many to list. Cher, All American Rejects, Bruno Mars … these artists inspire me because I feel something from their voices. I feel something from their lyrics. And that's beautiful.

All American Rejects was the first group I listened to that made me feel that I could write about my personal feelings, and it would matter.

Max Martin and Dr Luke are songwriting influences — these two are fucking geniuses, period.

Tell us about your EP, Like We're Famous. What themes were you thinking of while writing your songs?

It's called Like We're Famous because it’s about giving no fucks and creating the world you want to live in. While writing, there weren’t any themes, technically. The writing process was all natural, and the material reflects personal situations in my life that I wanted to express through song.

What’s your songwriting process like? What comes first, melody or lyrics?

My process isn’t the same every time. I wouldn’t say I have a strict style of writing, and I don’t approach every song in the same manner. Inspiration and creativity are hard to tame, so for me it’s very much an “in-the-moment” situation.

What do you like most about yourself as a musician?

I like the fact that I'm following my passion, and doing what I love. And hopefully making music that makes people feel something. When I perform, I want people to escape from their every-day life and enter a unique world that I create for them.

What's on your bucket list for the rest of 2015?

Finish the rest of the songs I'm working on and get them out to the world! Oh, and play some epic shows.


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