
The Swedish EDM duo discusses its new EP and sending demos back and forth five years ago through none other than Myspace.

Calling your EP Desserts is quite a bold move, but if anything over the years Cazzette’s proved that they know how to handle electronic music with taste. The newest EP marks Alexander Björklund and Sebastian Furrer’s exit from the fist-pumping world of EDM: this time around they’ve created an exquisite collection of soulful electronic tunes that not only makes your mouth water, but also lets you bust a move or two.

We caught up with the Swedish du0 to talk about the new EP, their trademark cassette-shaped headpieces and how they met online five years ago…through Myspace!

Let’s go back to the beginning. How did you guys meet and did how the project start?

Alexander Björklund: We met online five years ago or so. We started sending demos back and forth through Myspace. We had such an incredible work flow that we just continued to work.

Sebastian Furrer: We’re both from Sweden but different cities. Alex’s city is an hour and a half from mine. We met for the first time at my parents’ house–at the time we were still working in our bedrooms.

Do you remember the first messages you've sent each other on Myspace then?

Björklund: We can't remember, unfortunately, but since we were about 15 it probably went something like this: "Sick songs bro, wanna collab?"

How good are you with the social media these days?

Furrer: We try as much as possible. We both reply to our fans on all of our channels, but sometimes when we have been up for 48 hours straight obviously we aren't as alert.

How often do your cassette headpieces break during traveling?

Together: Too often!

What were your favorite records you had on cassettes back in the ‘90s?

Furrer: Oh wow. I remember there was a house mixtape that my dad used to play.

Björklund: I was listening to everything back then, so it’s really hard to pick anything.

Do you actually have a collection of cassettes now?

Björklund: Sadly, no. That would be really cool though!

Let's get technical for a moment. What gear do you use and what's your touring set up look like (apart from these cassette headpieces, obviously)? 

Björklund: Right now we only travel with our headphones and sd-cards. We are looking to put more live elements into our shows though.

Tell us what we need to know about your new EP.

Furrer: Every song has its individual soul, which we are really proud of. It's a new chapter for Cazzette.

The EP is called Desserts. What is your favorite sweet treat?

Furrer: Tiramisu.

Björklund: Carrot Cake. 

Yum! Your sound also got more nuanced and subtle over the years. Was it a conscious decision?

Björklund: Yes, we love exploring new sounds, and we always feel happy when we find a new way to sound. 

What’s on your agenda for the next 12 months?

Björklund: We’re gonna be touring a lot. We also have some sessions booked for these 2 months in America. We just go day by day and see what happens.

Looks like you had tons of fun while making your new music video, “Genius.” Was there any material that did not make it to the final cut?

Sebastian: Actually, the whole day made it into the video. We had such a good time!

How's your current tour going? Any juicy stories?

Furrer: It's going great. Sadly we don't really have any juicy stories from this one yet.

What’s the most exciting place you have in your schedule?

Björklund: We’re going to South America for the first time!

Do you have a motto?

Björklund: Seb and I like to move forward a lot. Don’t be afraid to try out new stuff and move outside your comfort zone, ‘cause you never know what you’ll find.

The biggest challenge a musician can face is...

Furrer: Finding creativity and learning how to harvest it.

And finally, your Top 3 favorite tracks/songs at the moment are…

Tokimonsta—“Steal My Attention”

Zoo Brazil—“Save Us”

Travis Scott—“Piss On Your Grave”


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