Architekt wasborn on December 25,1980 in Bielefeld, Germany.
Initial attempts soon turn to ameticulous pursuit on technical intelligent and innovative rap music thatArchitekt is now known for. Years and years of hard work, a great deal ofon-stage experience and his ravenous rage made Architekt to one of the mostaccomplished artists in the world of rap known today.
It was in Hamburg in 2004, when Architekt,along with paranoia and his steadfast drive, started his career. There in 2005,he released his debut album “Richtfest”, together with Tackmann and DJ Johnson (Hiddentape/RoyalBunker/Groove Attack), not to forget the video release “Movement”, a trueevergreen.
He gives a proof of him being aprovoking battle rapper in his “Report vom Straßenstrich” in his role of MCZuhälter. At the same time, he is runner-up in light heavyweight boxing at theGerman university championships.
In 2008 Architekt, together with Rasputin,releases “Gemetzeltes“ (Architekt-Musik/Finetunes). Architekt’s second album follows:“DJ Johnson präsentiert Architekts Klatsche“ (667 Dist. / Rough Trade Arvato).By the video of “Miss Ungewiss“, and the videosnippet “Kopfschuss – HartesBrett ft. MB 1000“, he now also gains attention in Austria and Switzerland.
High-flying in 2009 was his videorelease to “Wie ich bin“, he then was presented by Yavido as newcomer.
In spring 2010 he shocks again as MCZuhälter with his video release „MC Zuhälter 2“. In addition to this hereleases two exclusive videos “Tyrannosaurus Rap“ and “Asozial“.Accurately at New Year’s Eve AggroTV publishes Architekt’s “Mc Zuhälter 2 RMX“in the course of the third season of “Halt die Fresse“.
On March 10, 2010 he becomes fatherof his daughter Line Kleine.
In May 2011 Architekt goes on “Architektour“,and at the same time releases the “Architektour“-EP (Architekt-Musik/Finetunes),to which produces the video uncoupling “Bethelrap ft. Dray Durch“.More clips like “Steig ein“, and “R.Y.C.T.“ and the “Rap Your City Tour“ withLaas Unltd. follow at the end of the year.
In 2012 Essah Entertainment takesover his booking and Architekt goes on “WARUM RAPPST DU?“ tour in 2012/13 withKool Savas. Then comes the EP “Total Error“ (Architekt-Musik/Finetunes) withthe videos from “Verloren“ and “Vergessene Welt“.
On April 3, 2015 Architekt releaseshis third studio album "Architekt - HITS 2015"(Architekt-Musik/Finetunes) with the videos from "HITS","Insel", "Verwahrloste Lines feat. Lakmann","Partyalarm", "Schlaflied", "UA","Hurricane", “Johnson" and "Steinbeisser" and ColdLife Entertainment organizes his "Architekt - TOUR 2015" in whichDray Durch performs.
Architekt: “In my new album“Architekt - HITS 2015“, I did everything exactly the way I want it, so that Ilike listening to this one more than to any other album in the world. My bigdream is that each and every person in this world orders an mp3 of it, so thatI can build a castle for my daughter and me.“
On October 23, 2016 he gives a shoutwith the video single ”Architekt – Dr. WAHNSINN“ (Architekt-Musik/Finetunes)and rings in a new era.
Still going strong…