Formatia ApocalipS a luat nastere in decembrie 1995 la initiativa lui Flavius Buda.
Prima aparitie, in fata unui public de 600 de persoane, s-a produs in data de 18 Octombrie 1996 in Sannicolaul-Mare. In acea perioada formatia aborda un gothic-death metal. Formatia Apocalips este fondatoarea festivalului "Apocaliptic Fest" care s-a desfasurat in doua editii (1999 si 2001): Makrothumia, Grimegod, Anarhia, Argus, Coursed Cemetary, s.a. A cantat alaturi de formatii renumite pe plan national si mondial:Kult (Italia), Handfull Of Hate (Italia), Das Ich (Germania), Elis (Elvetia), Metallspurhunde (Elvetia), Amatris (Elvetia) , Stubborn (Anglia), Kult ( Italia ) , Handfull Of Hate ( Italia ), Crad (Germania), Iris , Cargo, Compact, Directia V , Zdob si Zdub, Implant Pentru Refuz, Syn Ze Sase Tri , Krepuskul , Amala, Toxic , AIM . Formatia a cantat in diferite locatii din Romania printre care si festivalul "Rock la Mures" trei editii consecutive , Rock River Festival 2009 ( Cernavoda ) , Garana Rock 2009 , Tabara De Rock 2009 ( Arad ) , MotoRock Festival 2010 (Arad). In perioada noiembrie-decembrie 2001 trupa a inregistrat primul album, care cuprinde 8 piese , numit "Depresie totala", avandu-i ca producatori pe Edmond Karban ( Hupogrammos ex Negura Bunget ) si Adrian Neagoe ( Anarhia ) . Lansarea oficiala a avut loc in data de 6 aprilie 2002.

Componenta formatiei pe acest album: Iosif Kerekes - Voce & Clapa , Flavius Buda - Chitara bass & Voce , Leontin Visan - Chitara , Tiberiu Nyari - Tobe . In Decembrie 2002 formatia a inregistrat o noua piesa " Strigat de Durere " , piesa care apare pe compilatia Negura Nr. 4 , cu ajutorul aceluiasi Edmond Karban ( Dordeduh) si Cristian Popescu ( Dordeduh ) . Noul nostru album "Gate To Infinity" , a fost inregistrat si masterizat in perioada septembrie 2009 - aprilie 2010 in studioul Consonance de catre Edmond Karban ( Dordeduh) si Cristian Popescu ( Dordeduh ).

Componenta actuala a formatiei este:Flavius BUDA - (Chitara , Voce) , Florin ACSINTE - (Bass) , Adrian PETRUT- (Tobe) , Sorin TOADER - (manager).


The band ApocalipS was born in December 1995 at Flavius initiative. The first live concert has taken place in October 1996 in Sannicolau Mare in front of 600 people. During that time the band played death-gothic metal. The band ApocalipS was also the founder of "Apocaliptic Fest", a festival wich has been held in two editions (1999 and 2001) including the following performers: Makrothumia, Grimegod, Anarhia, Argus, Coursed Cemetary, etc.

The band played with important international and national bands: Kult (Italy), Handfull Of Hate (Italy), Das Ich (Germany), Elis (Switzerland), Metallspurhunde (Switzerland), Amatris (Switzerland), Stubborn (England), Crad (Germany), Iris, Cargo, Compact, Directia V, Zdob si Zdub, Implant Pentru Refuz, Syn Ze Sase Tri , Krepuskul, Amala, Toxic, AIM. It has also performed in several Festivals: "Rock la Mures" (3 editions), Rock River Festival 2009 (Cernavoda) , Garana Rock (2009), Tabara De Rock (2009) (Arad), Rubicon Assault Metal (2010), Motorock Pecica (2010, 2011), Crnja Serbian festival (2011)

Between November and December 2001 the band recorded the first official demo that included 8 songs. The producers of this album were Edmond Karban (Hupogrammos from Negura Bunget) and Adrian Neagoe (Oq from Anarhia). In 2001 ApocalipS members were: Ioji Kerekes - voc. Leo Visan - guit. Flavius Buda - bass and voc. Tiby Nyari – drums.

In december 2002 the band recorded the song "Strigat de durere" (Scream Of Pain) for Negura No.4 compilation with the help of the same Edmond Karban and Cristian Popescu (Spurcatu from Negura Bunget).

Our last album was recorded and mastered between september 2009 until april 2010 at Consonance studio with the help of Edmond Karban and Cristian Popescu (Dordeduh). The album "Gate To Infinity" 2010 contains the following songs:

1. Gate To Infinity

2. Puterea Vointei

3. Strigat De Durere

4. Niciodata Mai Mult

5. Inca O Sansa

6. Katharsis

The actual members of the band at this time are: Flavius BUDA (guitar, vocal), Florin ACSINTE (bass), Adrian PETRUT (drums), Sorin TOADER (manager).

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