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    taras 15th, tara passed out at 9 and missed half her party. huge mess in the morning, shel went syko and everyone left us to clean.
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    Wills. emily passed out, everyone came to maddis in the morning for a mad breakfast then jackson crashed his car and there went my lift home
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    another boring day at school except this time emily modelled with me. got pics with everyone and even played a game of volleyball with year8
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    before another party that got cancelled and we had to mission walk around southside late at night. sweeet lips
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    another art class in the cybrary, suppose to be watching a video instead me and maddi made our own language off urban dictionary CHOLO
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    BCT, klaes headband, aydens ear things, strange bruise on my nose that zac gave me.
  • Classic - OLDDphotos. Mix Photo
    school gets quite boring, so everyone finds it amusing to dress me up stupidly rank and take pictures of me while i model around the school
  • Classic - OLDDphotos. Mix Photo
    In the cybrary when we are suppose to be researching art instead we waste time so that annie can help everyone when they cant do it, year 11
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    party, green vodkaa, bathroom pics. alex hit me in the head with the vodka bottle cause i was leaving her for another party
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    Curtis's 16th, for his present we put a blindfold on him and cut his fringe, which at the time was all messed up.
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    party, sweeeet lips!
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    rory's 18th,kybong, how impossible is it when people try to talk to the whole party and they can never get everyone to stop drunk talkin
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    sixteenth, alex and ant took me out. dinner with the girls, walked the town, my house around the fire, walking bath road at 2 in the morn
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    when arent i at taras in the holidays? i love that place, just not the family <br />2009 holidays.
  • Classic - OLDDphotos. Mix Photo
    school excursion to brisbane, when curtis was unpopular and nice to us, year 9.

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