Andrew Clermont's International Supper Club
It can hardly get more diverse or musically welcoming as the Supper Club. If you were to ask, " gee I wonder what it would sound like if X & Y were to come together with Z ?" Well you'll likely catch it here. Born of Clermont's life long tendency to meld peoples musical strengths (whether they know it or not!) and sense of adventure and effort to inspire, here is the musical "wild wood", where music knows no sleep and few limits (just the imagination and gumption) - in it's 18th official year.

Clermont began as a 3 time Australian Bluegrass Guitar Champion. He first fiddled on Brian Young's Longest Chartered Flight Concert Tours of the World after just 2 years near a Violin in the mid 80s. Fiddling for Tom T Hall (USA), Troy Cassar Daley's Country through The Screaming Jet's Rock to Opera's Anna Lisa Kerrigan or The Waifs and 10 tours in Europe with India(n) to theatrical bands ie. Totally Gourdgeous, BluGuru, Dya Singh World Music Group, The Beggars, The Borderers (most recently 2014 in Lorient (France) and Skägen (Denmark) plus Germany, Festivals and more as timing permits.

He finally created an all encompassing event, highly regarded & cherished across many Festivals - not only originally hosting the NoHoldsBarred Fiddle Contest, it allowed the creation of most orchestration possibilities in the name of Country(s) & Folk Music with a fellowship of youth & wissen who stop at few borders or genres. Andrew Clermont's International Supper Club included 100 players in 2013! Sup Club Live Recordings are distilled into - 7 CDs and many DVDs (including Tuition)!

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