Alternative Tentacles Records was established in June of 1979 and is most likely the longest lasting (and still active) underground record labels around.
Although it is perceived by many as a "punk" label,having released records by Dead Kennedys and others, it is actually best known for its impact on the world of underground culture.
In the early years the label gained international attention byintroducing the world to artists such as : Dead Kennedys, ButtholeSurfers, D.O.A., 7 Seconds, Winston Smith, NoMeansNo, Neurosis and VoiceFarm. The label has continued to remain vital in its lengthy history byrefusing to adhere to a formula for an easily identifiable 'AlternativeTentacles Sound.' Rather, the label has released many political spokenword releases; as well as releasing: Brazilian hardcore, bent pop,faux-country, twisted twang, and assorted rock & roll. Of late, the label is also known for its "Re-Issues Of Necessity Series" of classic punk bands like BGK, False Prophets, MIA, Th' Inbred, Drunk Injuns, Los Olvidados, and The Dicks. We've also been releasing new records by Unsane, Leftover Crack, Slim Cessna's Auto Club, 16 Horsepower, Pansy Division, Dash Rip Rock, Munly, Citizen Fish, Jello Biafra and the Melvins, Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine, and the Dot Wiggin Band.
The label is also well known due to its outspoken provocateur owner,talent scout and recording artist, Jello Biafra. Manymay recall his run for mayor of San Francisco in 1979 at the age of 21;as well as his trial for "distributing harmful matter" - which stemmedfrom including an H.R. Giger poster in a Dead Kennedy's album; to his2000 nomination as Green party candidate for President of the UnitedStates. Since the parting of Dead Kennedys, Jello has released many spokenword releases as well as collaborating with other musicians and bandssuch as DOA, Nomeansno, Mojo Nixon, and stand-alone projects like TumorCircus (with Steelpole Bathtub), No WTO Combo (with Krist Novoselic),Lard (with Al Jourgensen), Jello Biafra with the Melvins, and his latest project , Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine!
Alternative Tentacles Records employs two people in Emeryville ,California. (The label has always been based in San Francisco, but inOctober 2002 the label moved here.) The company is owned by Jello Biafra. Aside from being a label, it is also a mailorder company selling its own wares, as well as a ton of underground t-shirts,books, dvds, music, and other merchandise.