Private Mix
Classic - mostly my trip to the beach
alissa trusner
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 3/3/2014 9:18:09 AM
    • Classic - mostly my trip to the beach Mix Photo
      so i sleep...theres no big deal about that!!!
    • Classic - mostly my trip to the beach Mix Photo
      this is the result of being up for almost 48 hours straight and under the influence of pepsi and relient k
    • Classic - mostly my trip to the beach Mix Photo
      me and my sisters
    • Classic - mostly my trip to the beach Mix Photo
      brush brush brush your teeth...wait i've got a text!!!
    • Classic - mostly my trip to the beach Mix Photo
      ambers ATTEMPT at a cartwheel, you dont wanna know what happened!!!
    • Classic - mostly my trip to the beach Mix Photo
      seaguls...they're attacking!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH help!!!
    • Classic - mostly my trip to the beach Mix Photo
      deep in thought...yes i think!!!
    • Classic - mostly my trip to the beach Mix Photo
      me doin what i do best, 5 bucks says i was textin Bethani
    • Classic - mostly my trip to the beach Mix Photo
      me showin off my guns on a posessed "marry" go round

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