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    "Hick" - Eddie Redmayne and Blake Lively maybe had the best performances in their whole career... Chloe Moretz., again, awesome in a pretty hard role... The Academy is watching her!!! Anyway... Great job of all the cast and crew!!!
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    AMAZING SHOW, AMAZING!!! Some of my favorite songs wasn't in the setlist... But that didn't change the fact... AMAZING SHOW!!! Louder than I tought Kate Nash would be... And it was awesome... I got no words and no voice!!!
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    "The Mask" in its very last moments... And already with an idea to the next novel... I ask you all... What you would ask God, in a interview?
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    Still about "Concert For George"... We gotta admit that Dhani isn't George's son... He's George's clone !!! Image: Dhani, by the 00's (left) and George, around the 60's (right)
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    In a few years, our friend Alice Cooper will no longer "I'm Eighteen" in his gigs... He'll sing "I'm Eighty"!!!
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    In a few our friend, Alice Cooper will no onger sing "I'm Eighteen"... He'll sing "I'm Eighty"!!!
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    "The Reflected Mask" a novel by A. F. Allguns - "You need to talk with Juliana, Cesar." said the Harlequin - "No, not today." answered Cesar, still listless - "What you gonna do?" "I'll go to a party, drink 'till everything disappears, and fuck the first girl that I meet there!" "Forget isn't get over Cesar..." "It is the first step!" - The Harlequin looked at Cesar with a evil smile. Cesar caught his leather jacket and left the flat, lit a cigarette and said to himself "Augusta, here I come!"
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    The Reflected Mask by A.F. Allguns - "You need to talk with Julie, Cesar." said the Harlequin... "No, not today..." "What you gonna do so?" "I'll go to a party, drink 'till I blackout, and fuck the first girl that I met..." "Forget isn't get over Cesar..." "It is the first step!" The Harlequin looked at Cesar with a evil Smile, while Cesar looked back with a serious face... He grab his leather jacket and left the flat.
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    Not my best shot, but the view is amazing...
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    My first novel: Loading (30%)
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    I might say... The Craig 007 trilogy is amazing... This Bond is not the classy as He used to be... He's brutus, wild... But something in the image change when he has a drink or a Bondgirl with him... I think it could be called spirit of Ian Flemming!!! But I can be just awfully wrong...
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    This one goes out to the one I love... FIRE!

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