I don't at all like knowing what people
say of me behind my back. It makes me

far too conceited. What others say of

me matters little; what I myself say and

do matters much. If you really knew me, you would

know that I am finally, truly happy. My

depression is medicated, I weeded out

the bad people and found the truest of

friends, I’m committing to a healthier

life style, and everything’s finally falling into place. I see all of these sad posts

on here, and I just wanted to say that I,

too, have been in the lowest of lows.

Believe me or not, but things WILL get

better. I promise. All you have to do is

keep holding on like the strong person you know you are deep, down inside. Just because I laugh a lot, doesn't mean

my life is easy. Just because I have a

smile on my face every day, doesn't

mean that somethings not bothering

me. Its just that I choose to move on

with the negative in my life, and keep my head up, instead of dwelling on the

past. Don't talk to me because you're

"bored." I'm not here to entertain you.

And don't come to me only when you

need a favor. I don't like being used.

Just get the fuck away cause i'm not

going to be your last resort. I want someone to talk to me because they

sincerely want to. Those kind of people

are worth my time.

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