Acácio MiguelWas born in Lisbon, Portugal, the July 13 of 1947.
Hediscovers the Music as of 5 years old, and is impassioned immediately for thisart which is obviously his nature. He follows the courses of piano and composition untilthe 18 years age under the direction of Francine Benoît. from21 years old, he plays as a professional in the most prestigious night clubs,casinos and Music-halls of his country.Soon heleaves abroad, playing in Mozambique, Angola, South Africa and making cruisingin famous steamships. He returns toPortugal in 1976 to play in the casinos of Algarve and Estoril, as in the best tourism hotels, likeAtlantis, Marinotel, Alvor Praia, Balaia, Vila Lara and Dona Filipa in Algarve,and Estoril Sol, Estoril Palace, Sheraton and Ritz in the Lisbon area. In 1980,Acàcio MIGUEL takes again the way of the discovery, and leaves for Japan wherehe will occur during 7 years in the best hotels like Tokyo Palace the Grand Palace, Ginza Tokyo and NewOtani. He has also been present in the JAZZ LIVE Tour.After this new experiment,He decides to return on the old continent. Carried out by some big artistic agencies of Europe, he proposes hisrepertory in prestigious hotels like the l'Hôtel de Paris à Monte Carlo, les"Royals" de Deauville et Evian les Bains, Hôtel Métropole, Bristol,des Berges et Intercontinental à Genève, Mirador et 3 couronnes à Vevey,Victoria Jungfrau à Interlaken, ParkHôtel à Gstaad, Hôtel Plazza à Bale, Sheraton de Zurich, Quellenhof à BadRagaz, Beau Rivage à Neuchatel, BellevuePalace à Bern, Montreux Palace, etc...The repertory of Acàcio MIGUEL, is composed by thousands ofmelodies played in the piano with a killer feeling (among which some hundredsof original compositions) and also by hundreds of songs sung in English, Portuguese, French,Italian, Spanish and even in Japanese, (idioms which he dominates easily). All the styles are appropriate to him, fromthe classical to the modern, passing by the jazz, blues, Latin, rock'n'roll,ballad, fado, etc...AcàcioMIGUEL, his piano, his voice, his experience and his feeling, makes all onewhole to the service of musical animation.

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