Aisha O. Dew, a lifelong Democrat, who served as the Chair of the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party from 2011 - 2013.
She was the first African American woman to be elected. She chaired the party during the 2012 re-election for President Barack Obama and the 2012 National Democratic Convention hosted in Mecklenburg County for the time in the history of the party. Dew facilitated raising over 150,000.00 and organized two of the longest running coordinated campaigns in the history of the party.

Aisha has served as the Third Vice Chair of the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party since 2009. In that role, she played a key role in Mecklenburg County's Democratic victories in 2009 and 2010. She designed the 2010 MCDP campaign plan, coordinated countywide Get Out The Vote efforts, implemented election day canvassing operations, and led the publicity efforts for forums, activities, and opportunities for volunteers. As First Vice President of the Young Democrats of Mecklenburg County from 2008-2010, Aisha organized field projects, fundraisers, and campaign coordination.

In 2010, Aisha was hired to manage the successful reelection campaign of State Representative Kelly Alexander. She designed and directed the campaign plan, including strategy, field, fundraising and coordination with other campaigns. Her other campaign experiences include Anthony Foxx for Mayor, Obama for America, and many others.

In her various roles within campaigns, the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party, and the Young Democrats of Mecklenburg County, Aisha has gained experience in every aspect of political organizing and management. She has planned, implemented, and managed countless field operations on the ground for candidates at the local, state, and national levels. Aisha has also taken a lead role on many fundraising projects for the party, campaigns, and other political organizations.

Aisha has organized fundraisers for candidates with special guests and hosts such as Senator Kay Hagan, Rep. Tricia Cotham, Secretary of State Elaine Marshall, Mayor Anthony Foxx, County Commission Chair Jennifer Roberts, Councilman David Howard, Cal Cunningham, Attorney Julius Chambers, Dr. Bertha Maxwell Roddey, Attorney James Ferguson and many more. She also co-chaired the second annual Gantt - Watt Reception Fundraiser, which attracted over 200 people from across the state to Charlotte. Aisha was also the chair for the "Men Cooking for the Cause" fundraiser, which featured special guest Congresswoman Maxine Waters. In addition to political fundraising, Aisha has assisted with development projects for various art programs, raising over 150,000 dollars and securing more than 200,000 dollars of in-kind donations.

Aisha is a graduate of the Democracy for America Campaign Academy, whose mission is to focus, network, and train grassroots activists in the skills and strategies to manage successful campaigns or run for office themselves. She also graduated from Camp Wellstone, an intensive and energizing program that teaches practical skills in progressive political action. Aisha participated in the track for Electoral Campaigns: Tools and Tactics for Success. She was also Chair of the Mecklenburg County Commission, Jennifer Roberts, to the 9-member board to advise the County Commission on redistricting.

In addition to her passion for Democratic politics, Aisha is an accomplished producer, director, actress and a community advocate. She has maintained a lifelong commitment to the arts, both for social awareness and political activism. A graduate of Salem College, she received training in acting and theater from Wake Forest University and the Yale University School of Drama.

Pairing her passion for the arts with her drive for community activism, Aisha founded the Hall Neighborhood House Performing Arts Program, giving over ten thousand children and parents exposure to the arts as audience members and active participants over a five-year period. Aisha was also the Regional Director of Wolf Trap Early Learning through the Arts for the state of Connecticut. World-renowned, Wolf Trap is the only national park dedicated to the arts, sustaining more than 20 affiliate programs around the country. Aisha has also produced and directed over 15 plays, festivals, and shows. Most recently, she worked on Belles at Salem College and the regional premiere of Top Dog, Underdog. She received the Metrolina Theater Association nomination for Best Director as well as Creative Loafing magazine's nomination for Theater Newcomer of the Year.

Aisha is a graduate of the United Way of Eastern Fairfield County's Project Blueprint (2003) and is the recipient of the Greater Bridgeport NAACP Special Service Award (2004). She received the 2010 award for Top Five Young Democrats of North Carolina, with special regards for her work as co-chair of the 2009 Gantt/Watt Reception. Aisha is also the recipient of the Mecklenburg County Democratic Young Democrat of the Year award (2010). She also received the Jim B. Hunt award from the Young Democrats of North Carolina (2013).

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