Private Mix
Classic - Working...ish.
Melody Agee
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/22/2014 6:57:35 AM
    • Classic - Working...ish. Mix Photo
      Some of the boys...SGT Hill (or his butt anyway, it's better than his face), CW2 Myher, and SFC Steffes (& SPC Ravensborg's legs).
    • Classic - Working...ish. Mix Photo
      CW2 Myher strangely taking a decent picture!!
    • Classic - Working...ish. Mix Photo
      SFC Steffes...yup, that's pretty much the face he makes all day long. (CW2 Myher is in the back.)
    • Classic - Working...ish. Mix Photo
      My still super crazy squad leader...although looking a bit more military-y.
    • Classic - Working...ish. Mix Photo
      Some of the guys again. SGT Nettle, SGT Hill (no idea what they're doing to eachother), and SGT Cross.

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