Duane Wheeler was born on April 27, 1978 in Jacksonville, FL.
A self-taught musician, Wheeler learned basicguitar theory from a close friend who was taking lessons at a nearby musicstore. The first song he learned was"Runaround" by "The Blues Travelers".

Early Life

Duane Wheeler grew up in Orange Park, FL. He graduated from Orange Park High School before pursuing college at "Florida Community College at Jacksonville." While in high school he worked at a local grocery store. Six months after graduatinghigh school he landed a job at a credit card company where he remained for twoyears while still attending college part time and occasionally playing music atget-togethers. Wheeler joined the military at age 21 in 1999 and ended up getting stationed in Hawaii in 2001.

Music "Career"

While in Hawaii, Wheeler made a demo CD of cover songs using a Boss 4-track recorder which he distributed to various live music venues around Waikiki. One barowner was impressed and booked him on the spot. His first gig was at Kelly O'neil's in tourist infested Waikiki in 2003. For the next two years Wheeler played occasional late night solo-acoustic music at, arguably, the most famous pub in Waikiki

Original Music

While playing covers is easy and pays well, Wheeler has always had a desire to write original music. He has embarked on the next journey of his life by releasing his first single in 2014 titled "Days"which he wrote several years earlier. The motivation behind "Days" stemmed from his, then fiancée, experiencing a series of bad days at work, but can relate to any every-day individual who is going through a temporary stint of bad luck.

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