I will not, and I shall not tell a lie! My reputation is on the line! I live, breathe, see, feel, comprehend, bathe, consume the power of words.
The diatribe I have in my head, soul, mind body and heart have shaped me into the deep lyrical movement of words! ~Toy High

The eccentric side of me is many things. It is physical, mental, emotionally stimulated by creative forces of what I read, hear, taste and see. It is a tuning in of passion and love of being a writer horn-ing in on the surreal real and fantasy. Bringing a painted canvas of psychological and emotionalissues encountered by myself and others that have crossed my path in this walk of life I have been blessed to live. It allows me to speak in various tones of chatter and creative characters that express ideas, life, lost and recovery. To teach and give wisdom and uplift circumstances shock waves of perception.

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