Private Mix
Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H
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Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 3/2/2014 3:58:55 AM
    • Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H Mix Photo
      <font color="red"><font><big> tOo da maxillae!!! yEehakkk!!!..</big></font></font>
    • Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H Mix Photo
      <font color="purple"><big> Our prenSHIP is nOt Over untiL DEATH!! tOomOrOow never dieD!!..</big></font>
    • Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H Mix Photo
      <font color="blue"><big> gOo ULNA gOo!! OoyEe2!!! yEehakkk!!!</big></font>
    • Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H Mix Photo
      <font color="brown"><big>1 2 3 cenyummm!!!</big></font>
    • Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H Mix Photo
      <font color="blue"><big>gilewh besh!!mati idop smule pOwn xkn dpt se cm gineyh dOwhh!!fuck idOp sgsOwang diri!</big></font>
    • Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H Mix Photo
      <font color="red">TEMBAKKKKKK!!! uh tidakk!aku xbsalahh!!kata beliau d bwh..<big> </big></font>
    • Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H Mix Photo
      <font color="purple"><big> dan sebenar nye kami bkn perOmpakk!!arap tuan dan puan maklOm..</big></font>
    • Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H Mix Photo
      <font color="purple"><big>oOriOo2!!pewh kes daa</big></font>
    • Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H Mix Photo
      <font color="green"><big> AZRA SOYA??pe kene mgene dgn aku??uhh wat da hel,.p benda alah blakang 2mmaenkn peranan pntg bg aku! </big></font>
    • Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H Mix Photo
      t'tarek?kalaw maw sndiri tag larh : encik puan sila tag nme anda d sini. trime kaseh, dtg lagik.
    • Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H Mix Photo
      NARUTO geng??what da hel??bodo jerw weyhh!! tag sudahh,.kasi pewnohh..
    • Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H Mix Photo
      wane wani?knp?shukew ker??da tOo ape aku kesahh,,haha tag mari ramai2..bru ar kalefull dowhh..
    • Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H Mix Photo
      <font color="orange"><big> shot!!!!!eh sape amek gambar saper neyhhh??ohh tidakkk...</big></font>
    • Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H Mix Photo
      <font color="purple"><big>camat dtg!!hahaha sengal gilerwh weyhh..daa2 la tOo</big></font>
    • Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H Mix Photo
      <font color="yellow">tyme OUTDOOR !!! gempakk siot!!<big> </big></font>
    • Classic - S E R A B O T + B E R S E P A H Mix Photo
      <font color="blue">konon2 dlm magezine lar tOo!! pewr jer..larik2!!hohOo<big> </big></font>

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