A bit about myself:
First off, I want to admit my total Geekiness. I love all things nerdy! I'm a huge Marvel fan. I cosplay frequently and attend conventions as long as I can afford it. I've been gaming since I was six years old (Yay for Nintendo64, SNES, and Playstation!). I LOVE anime and am fascinated by the Japanese Culture (often making asian cuisines, celebrating asian holidays and etc). I'm probably the BIGGEST Disney fan you'll ever meet. YES, I adore My Little Pony and have plans cosplaying Applejack. If you want to talk to me about any of those subjects, BRING IT ON!
Other than my special interests, I have a secret side of me too.
As a child growing up, I was VERY problematic with an EXTREME amount of low esteem. I didn't try looking nice and ate a lot of junk foods. A close friend of mine was the same way, but I'm proud to say we conquered our uneasiness and weaknesses. Now, I eat a bit healthier, and feel comfortable wearing things like skirts and dresses. A HUGE thing that helped us along the way was photography. Envying and admiring models of all sorts, we grabbed a cheap camera, dressed each other up and took various pictures of each other. It taught us to have confidence in ourselves and release our full potential. Later we learned what angles looked best on us and what our good points were. Once the pictures were edited, we were both shocked to know we could go from a normal looking rock to a genuine crystal. All we had to do was crack open our shells. That one step forward gave us that much power. Now, I'm not shy from cameras and can look at the mirror and smile like girls should. I HIGHLY recommend people who could use a bit more confidence in their lives to gather some friends, make themselves over and have a fun photoshoot. It's a lot of fun and you're bound to learn something from it.
Want to know my hobbies and goals?
Well, as for my hobbies, they're a bit all over the place. I guess you can consider me an artistic person. I adore singing and improving on my vocals. Reading and writting were always a hidden passion of mine. I've been drawing ever since I was old enough to hold a crayon, and I'm pretty good at it too! I have also participated in high school plays; one as a minor character, two with major roles. In fact, I hope to either pursue in my Art or my Theater. My parents encourage me to join a local theater group and enhance my skills. I almost went for a Disney Channel/Modelling audition, but missed the chance due to family issues. I consider cosplaying and acting as brother and sister. If you cosplay, you can't just wear the costume and give yourself that role. You have to BE the character and give it personality too! Cosplaying is a more comfortable version of acting. You're not the only one on stage, but surrounded with every role. Plus, you have no script to go by. I guess you can say that I call Cosplaying my "safe zone". I don't have the confidence or the courage to join a theater group where I chance being on stage by myself again, but I have just the right amount to act out in groups. If you have been to a convention, you know what I mean. If not, then I encourage you to go to at least ONE. It's an experience of a lifetime. Another goal of mine is a bit of an impossible one. I merely DREAM of being a performer for Disneyland or Disney World. I just recently discovered that Disney land/world has a thing called the, "College Program". For the program, you pay a large sum of money to work at the park as either a face character or shop employee. They give you enough pay for food and rent, but not much else. It's mostly for the experience of working at the park and having something amazing to put on your application, but there's also further classes to have a permanent job at the park. I suggest everyone looks into it if you're interested.
Sorry for boring you all so much. I usually have a lot to say. Anyways, feel free to pass me a message. I'm not shy when it comes to talking! I hope to learn more about you all too. - Tea