Private Mix
Classic - good old days..
Drew Grubb
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/24/2014 9:46:35 AM
    • Classic - good old days.. Mix Photo
      FEELS LIKE IT WAS JUST YESTERDAY, when we took a ton of gangster pictures outside of northside before the bell.
    • Classic - good old days.. Mix Photo
      FEELS LIKE IT WAS JUST YESTERDAY, when we sat in my house almost all day, and finally decided to take a myspace pic.
    • Classic - good old days.. Mix Photo
      FEELS LIKE IT WAS JUST YESTERDAY , when we all sat outside the mall and got a random guy to take a picture of us.
    • Classic - good old days.. Mix Photo
      FEELS LIKE IT WAS JUST YESTERDAY, when Tia took a picture of us pissing in the mall bathroom.
    • Classic - good old days.. Mix Photo
      FEELS LIKE IT WAS JUST YESTERDAY, when we all got chronick heavy and went to ci ci's and ate almost all the pizza there.

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