Baron De Extremus Importare A/K/A/ Shivason David Taylor wasborn in 1952! At age eight, he became aware consciously and subconsciously, ofthe Super-conscious mind which also occupied his allowed space! He, a tinybubble of laughter became the Sea of Mirth itself! At age eight he intuitivelyknew that he was here for a special purpose; but what? He never heard any ofthe adults speak about the pictures that were in his mind; nor did they speakof the exercises that came to him naturally. He discovered rhythmic breathing,and did find his way to the “Single Eye” The Baron at age 8 wouldascend to the roof, where he would lay in the ‘Death Pose’ and look between hisbrows and behold the light of the sun! (This is not recommended) At the tenderage of 8 and 9 he reached Samadhi! He became one with the Bliss, sosoothing! Bliss is a wonderful state of being. No pain nor happiness; nolimitations of the body: his mind was emerged and bathed in soothing light, andeach one of his body’s cells was filled with the ‘Word’ and since then he hasvisited that state of consciousness and being on several occasions! When hewould walk to the store for his mother, he would do rhythmic breathing! Hewould inhale to a count of ten, hold to a count of five and exhale to a countof ten, with each step! For months he did rhythmic breathing! He would alsochant praises to the Deity a hundred times a day or more! He thought that hewas going mad, but still he proclaimed, thank you Heavenly Father thank youFather Amen. He never thought to speak of his experiences to anyone, because, theexperiences made him feel whole! And there, he was accepted graciously! No,this was his and his alone! So it came to past that, at age eight and nine hesaw it, he experienced it! Two orbs he saw, two wheels of light that werein his forehead! Two orbs moving slowly, but closer and closer together;and when the two orbs met, he was instantly absorbed in the Bliss! Breathtaking-ly, and beyond serene! At age twenty, Baron De Extremus Importarewas introduced to yoga philosophy! “Fourteen lessons in Yoga Philosophy” by:Yogi Ramacharaka was his introduction to “The Path”! He eventually became amaster philosopher, poet and scientist in his own right! The Baron has takenthe sum of the keys to the kingdom and has fused them with his thoughts, beingand art! All praises be unto the Creator who now controls his pen! And he hassurrendered his pen, hand, mind and soul for the purpose of uplifting humanity:let those who has an ear hear! This is the dawning of a new age! “The GoldenAge”; and what will make it golden is the evolution of consciousness on aglobal scale! “Be still and know that I am God!” And “I and the Father areone!” God has sent unto us the “Holy Redeemer” a vehicle to super-speed up andenhance the spiritualization and evolution of humanity! The pranayama(breathing exercises) techniques are scientific and holy! Creation abounds inmagic! Through the Holistic approach of good living, proper thought and properdiet, exercise, austerity, concentration and meditation exercise, fasting andKriya yoga: let those who desire liberation be still! The 5 Fold Path of KriyaYoga is a science and an art; an instrument through which human evolution canbe quickened! The masters; Mahavatar Babaji, Lords Krishna, Shiva, Vishnu, ParamahansaYogananda, Brother Jesus, The Buddha, The Maharaja, Sri Yukteshwa, LahiriMahasaya and the Siddhas, have discovered, developed and revealed thesesecrets! The pages of The Latest Testament are riddled with gems and tastymorsels of fresh understanding and shows incredible versatility! This is not justa novel, but an event! The rest is up to you my friends! Open up your hearts!Be an instrument of Nature and express your God given talents! God heal us all!Amen.

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