Private Mix
Classic - The new fish!
Chris Taylor
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/21/2014 6:50:01 PM
    • Classic - The new fish! Mix Photo
      Tim happens to be a male model marksman! You could be a little indian, a nurse or even a naughty babysitter either way he'll find the spot!
    • Classic - The new fish! Mix Photo
      Dan and trina are hidding in there somewhere... Secretly getting it on... They're lobsters, well really shrimp but I think it still counts.
    • Classic - The new fish! Mix Photo
      I think the top right is an eyeball that fell out! No worries, I got it out...
    • Classic - The new fish! Mix Photo
      Uh... the blue guys dead...
    • Classic - The new fish! Mix Photo
      Tim playing again...
    • Classic - The new fish! Mix Photo
      Jake! He gets things like popsickle sticks and coasters stuck in his mouth. This guy just gets stuck in rocks, funny to watch...
    • Classic - The new fish! Mix Photo
      Jake again and Tim heading for "the bush"! Poor jake going the wrong way, like me he doesn't know when the bush is being thrown at him...
    • Classic - The new fish! Mix Photo
      Warrior Wes on the left and, Jake in the middle and then Russ dancing on the right!
    • Classic - The new fish! Mix Photo
      Everybody looking for the porch... Talking over the plans of our next great, probably failing, adventure...
    • Classic - The new fish! Mix Photo
      Looking for booze and ass.... maybe....
    • Classic - The new fish! Mix Photo
      Wes the warrior-fish! Still going... Why? Because he's "the only warrior yet" (And that hut might just be judy's place...)
    • Classic - The new fish! Mix Photo
      Jake and Shamus! Jake's stunned and confused over the bright shinney lights.... so pretty....
    • Classic - The new fish! Mix Photo
      Shamus, usually rocking the mohawk! Him and Joe get together for a mean "squaking bird"
    • Classic - The new fish! Mix Photo
      Tim, hanging in the bush. always...
    • Classic - The new fish! Mix Photo
      Russ, dances all over the place. Clone isn't as good, but close... In the top left you can see uncle kenny and aunt travis is somewhere!
    • Classic - The new fish! Mix Photo
      Wes the warrior-fish. I think that is Tim's stearing wheel on the left, from a certain trip to the lake...

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